Beloved, I pray that you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 2
3 John 2
Teachings on Healing
Meet Jeanie Traub
Jeanie Traub is a speaker, teacher and consultant who provides guidance and knowledge on naturopathic healing. Her teachings focus on achieving mental and physical wellness through nutrition, physical activity and other natural lifestyle changes.
As an ordained minister, spirituality is at the forefront of her work. She blends spiritual enlightenment with practical lifestyle changes to build and strengthen her client's faith and perseverance.
For more information about Jeanie Traub's testimony or her cancer defeat story, please fill out the contact form now.
Healed of Cancer
Fight Back Against Cancer, Sickness and Disease
Dive into the world of natural healing
Getting a cancer diagnosis is a scary experience. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the doctor visits, complex treatment plans and overall uncertainty. If you're struggling to maintain your faith and perseverance in the face of evil, speak to someone who has been in your shoes. After being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Jeanie Traub chose a natural approach to fighting her illness. Now healthy, Jeanie wants to share her inspirational healing journey with others.
Defeating life challenges can be difficult on your own. Take some of the burden off your shoulders by partnering with Jeanie today. Your holistic wellness journey starts here.
Breaking Cancer, Sickness, And Disease Off God's People
The Healing Gift to Beating Cancer
In her book " The Healing Gift to Defeating Cancer," Jeanie outlines her journey on how she defeated terminal cancer. The book covers a naturopathic approach to fighting cancer that includes:
- Making holistic lifestyle changes
- Strengthening the immune system
- Pursuing mental and spiritual strength
- Building an intimate relationship with Jesus
To order "The Healing Gift to Beating Cancer" or Jeanie's previous book, "Creating Radiant Health: Keys to Releasing the Power Within," visit the My Books page.